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New Elizabethton Co-Op Members

Welcome to TEACH Elizabethton!

We are honored you chose to join us on your homeschool journey! TEACH Elizabethton is designed to be a smaller, more intimate co-op.  To keep that design, we have capped our membership at 50 families. 

We meet each Monday for a 15-week semester offering classes for kindergarten through graduation. We also have classes available for younger siblings that are Nursery-Preschool ages.TEACH is a true cooperative. Our classes are led by parent volunteers that make up our co-op. Classes vary by semester with both academic and non-academic options available.

Feel free to choose four classes to stay the whole day or pick the hours or classes that work best for your family. Members are required to register for a minimum of 2 hours.

Here’s a quick breakdown of our co-op day:

1st Hour 10am-10:55am 

2nd Hour 11am-11:55am 

Lunch 12pm-12:55pm

3rd Hour 1:00pm-1:55pm 

Clubs 2:00pm-3:00pm 

Our leadership team works hard year-round to make our co-op successful.  If you have any questions or would like to speak to someone, you are welcome to send us an email and one of our team members will reach out to you:  [email protected] 

Thank you!

Tara Gray and Adrienne Cross, Co-Directors

Este Strecker, Treasurer

Nicole Honeycutt, Facility and Special Needs Coordinator

Krista Bowling, Preschool Coordinator

Allison Allison, Events Coordinator